Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mexican Round Up 12/4/11

Hi Folks....just a little excitement to report.  Our campground, here at Kartchner Caverns, its right up against Coranado National Forest.  Apparently that is land that illegals use to get into the US.  We have Border Patrol vehicles all over the area on a regular basis.   Well Sunday night, 12/4/11...about 7:30pm Dale noticed flashing lights across the road in our campground.  So naurally he had to go investigate.  When he got outside (walking stick in hand) he found about 3 vehicles with flashing lights.  Then about 30 minutes laer we had a helicopter buzzing overhead.  It wasn't until the next morning that Dale talked to the "in house" law enforcement guy and found out Benson Police, Border Patrol and Highway Patrol had rounded up about 15 illegals in our area.  Never a dull moment around here.  But we're loving it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Old Tucson 11/22/2011

Today we went to Old Tucson Studio in Tucson.  What a great place with tons of history.  There were  over 300 westerns made there since 1940.  This includes Rio Bravo, McClintock, Rio Lobo, just to name a few with John Wayne.  Plus episodes of Little House on the Prairie, Big Valley, High Chapperal and the 1993 version of Tombstone with Kurt Russell.  There was lots of memorbilla from all the movies.  We actually rode the  little train around the park.  We went to the Grand Plaza Hotel & Saloon, they had film clips and a show with live entertainment singing the songs that were from those movies.  We watched a recreation of a street scene from The Quick and the Dead. 

Pima Air and Space Museum 11/9/11

What a wonderful day we had.  On Wednesday 11/9 we went to the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson.  There were over 300 aircraft and several space museums for us to look at.  We took the tram tour which took us to look at all the outside aircraft.  Our guide was very informative.  He was a former fighter pilot who had become a commercial aircraft pilot after leaving the military.  He was a great guide.  We spent about 5 hours there.  After our outside tour we visited several of the other hangars and

museums.  We had a GREAT time.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tucson - our first visit 11/2/11

We finally made it to Tucson after being here for a month.  It's only 50 miles away and I'm sure we'll be going again.  We went to old downtown with the idea of going to a Farmers Market.  It wasn't so great but the downtown area was wonderful.  After that we went to the Saguaro National Park.  Huge cacti everywhere.  It was quite impressive.  It takes 35 years to grow 6ft.

Sightseeing in Southeastern Arizona, Oct 2011

On October 17th we took a trip over to Chirachua Natl was very interesting.  Watched a movie about the settling of that area and interacton with the Chirachua Apache. 

Then we continued on to Ft Bowie National Historic that was an experience. In reality it was only 15 miles from Chirachua, however, it was 8 miles on a gravel road.  A rough road, at that. As we're working our way toward Ft Bowie, we got stopped by a Border Patrolman, he told us there was alot of smuggling on that road. Once he determined we were just old retired folks he let us go on.  We finally arrived at "the spot" and low and behold it was just a porta potty and a map. There was a sign that said Fort Ruins 1 1/2 miles on a hiking path.  We were lucky - a Ranger drove up about the time we were going to leave.  He said there was a handicap access road about 1 mile ahead.  We took that road (another 3 miles on a gravel road) once we arrived at Ft Bowie we parked at a maintenance building and hiked up 500 ft to the visitor center.  It was awful.  I don't see that as being handicap accessible. Anyway we were able to get our National Park book stamped and learned about the Apache skirmish that took place there.  What was really interesting was that Captain Leonard Wood was a participant. Now we know how Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri got it's name.   Ft Bowie is no longer there...just some stones to mark the locations of some of the buildings.  All in all, very interesting considering what it took to get there.

10/25/11 - we took out for Coronado National Memorial.  Quite interesting.   Just a few months ago the place was on fire.  They were able to save the Visitor Center structures....but the fire came right up to their back door.  They actually started a backfire about 3 ft from the window that looks out onto their nature trail.  A fire started in June 2011 and started working it's was northeast.  All in all it ended up burning 29,000 acres.   The grass has all grown back, but you can see burnt trees standing next to green ones. Make you wonder how some trees got burnt and others got skipped.  We watched a movie about
how Coronado, from Spain, came and explored this area and discovered Pueblo's occuppied by Zuni.
After our visit there we continued on to Bisbee.  It reminded us of Eureka Springs, AR.  Narrow, winding roads, with shops on both sides of the street.  They also have a open pit mining operation

Our home for the next 3 months

We're loving the weather here.  It gets a little windy now and then but at 84 and no is heavenly.  These first few days in November have been the 60's, I think we'll manage(hehe)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tombstone - 10/4/11

What a great day we had today.  We drove to Tombstone after that we went to Sierra Vista.  We had alot of fun in Tombstone and Sierra Vista is a great place.  Tons of shopping there.  On the way home we had some great clouds and even a rainbow.

Monday, October 3, 2011

We're getting acquainted with Benson

Benson is the closest town to the caverns.  It's about 10 miles away.  There is a Wal Mart there and and a Safeway and ACE Hardware.  Dale has already found a barber.  I'm trying to let my hair grow.
The Visitor Center is an old Train Depot.  We got some information there today.  Looks like we'll have some interesting places to visit.  Tombstone for one.   I'll continue to share our adventures once we start visiting some of these great places

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kartchner's Caverns....First Day On The Job

We started our first day at Kartchner's today.  We each trailed on 2 tours. As a trailer you follow at the back to make sure no one is getting light headed and they don't  get too far behind.  The tour takes about 1 1/2 hours.  The cave is right at 70 degrees with 99% humidity.  It's considered a living cave.  Plenty of water dripping to make formations for the future generations.  So I'm thinking 4 hours of walking through caves everyday should help me lose some weight.  We both took a nap this afternoon when we got home, though.  I guess we were more whipped then we had thought.  Tomorrow we do the same thing.  Then we'll be off Mon - Wed.  I think we're going to like it here.  The weather is very comfortable.  It's been right at 90 every day since we've been here....but very dry.  The humidity is only 29%. 

We're in Arizona, arrived Wednesday Sept 28th

We made good time.  We left Jefferson City, MO on Monday 9/26 at 9:00am.  We made it as far as El Reno, OK the first night.  That's just west of Oklahoma City by about 20 miles.  Then on Tuesday we got as far as Albequerque. On Wednesday we drove on to Benson, AZ and got to Kartchner's Caverns about 3:45p.  Not without an issue, however.  If you'll remember on our way to Minnesota back in May we about lost our bikes off the back of our 5th wheel in Des Moines.  Well.....we made it all the way to Benson and just as we were getting ready to take the exit off the highway Dale noticed the bikes were coming loose.  We didn't have a good place to pull over so we were just saying our prayers that  the bikes didn't fall off and  do damage to vehicles behind us.  God was smiling on us.  After exiting we pulled off on the shoulder and Dale went to access the problem.  Well much to his surprise the whole ladder was about to fall was just hanging on by one little screw, flopping back and forth with the bikes on it.  So we took off the bikes and the ladder and put them inside the trailer so we could drive the remaining 10 miles up to the caverns.  We managed to drive 1385 miles with no problems.  I guess we were very lucky.  So we've decided to get a new ladder and give the bikes to Goodwill.  They have been nothing but trouble and we've only used them once or twice.  I guess they are just too heavy for that ladder.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We're in Missouri and it's HOT 8/25/11

Hi All - we arrived in Missouri on Sunday 8/21/11.  We spent 4 days with Christine and her family and now we have moved down to Boonville to spend some time with John and his bunch before moving on.  We've got a couple of Bluegrass Festivals we want to go to in September and a few doctors appoinments.  We should be heading towards Arizona the last week in September. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011 - We're Leaving

Well today was our last day volunteering at Grand Portage National Monument.  We've had such a great time and we're sad to leave.  But we've got to get on to other things.  Sooo....tomorrow morning we'll be headed back to visit the kids for about a month.   Things have been pretty busy these past few weeks here at Grand Portage.  Last weekend was the Rendezvous and PowWow.  About 400 re-enactors were here.  All living the life of the 1790's fur trade era.  There were about 150 tents in the encampment.  The Pow Wow was just up the street and there was alot going on there too.  The highlight of the summer.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Update from Minnesota, Sunday 7/10/11

Other then some rain now and then....we've been having lovely weather.  No humidity and highs in the 70's.
We're feeling sorry for all of you in those hot weather places.  Sorry guys. Today we went to an art festival that was along the harbor at Grand Marais.  It was very nice...had live music too.  Then we stopped at Sven and Ollie's Pizza for lunch....very good.  Then we stopped off for our weekly grocery shopping....that's the bummer.  Groceries are at least 25% higher here.  I actually paid over $6 for a jar of Hellman's (Best Foods) Mayo that I would have normally got in Missouri for $3.99.  Cake mix is $2.50, a box of Raisin Bran $5.34.
I've just decided to close my eyes and get what we need and forget it.   

We've been settling into our duties at "the park".  I do a program about dolls made out of corn husks and other faceless dolls.  Dale does a program about blacksmiths and other tradesmen that would have  been here at the post during the late 1700's.  Everyone gets a turn to cook in the historical kitchen.  They have an outdoor oven or open hearth fireplace that we can use.  Dale grilled fish from the lake and pea soup on Friday.  The kitchen was pretty stinky after that so on Saturday it was my day to cook and I fixed cinnamon rolls.  They turned out wonderful and the kitchen smelled a whole lot better.  You fix the cinnamon rolls just like usual but to bake them I used a cast iron dutch oven.  You put coals under the pot...put the pan of rolls in the pot..put the lid on and put more coals on the top of the lid.  You keep adding coals for as long as you need to bake them.  Since I had 4 pans of rolls I had to repeat this process 4 times. The baking time alone took about 3 hours.  It was worth it though....I put a maple icing on them.  We can't serve the food to the visitors because being a historical kitchen it wouldn't meet health running know.
So those employees that want them can eat at their own risk.   Now how bad can it be with REAL butter and REAL sugar. 

We're still enjoying ourselves.  Afterall we've got a million dollar view with a lake as far as the eye can see, a big blue sky, trees everywhere and gorgeous wildflowers.  Oh yea....we're lovin' it.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Gunflint Trail - Grand Marais, MN

We had heard about the Gunflint Trail so decided to check it out.  It was so much more then what I expected.  I just figured it would be a dusty little hiking trail.  It was beautiful...wildflowers all over and such a wonderful view of Lake Superior.  Truely awesome.

Middle Falls, Canada Sun 6/26/11

We had a wonderful day yesterday.  We went to Middle Falls.....about 8 miles up the road from us....just a couple of miles north of the Canadian border.  It was absolutely beautiful.  Not as big as High Falls...I guess that's why it's called Middle Falls (hehe)

Summer Soltace Festival - 6/18/11

Grand Marais had their Summer Soltace Festival 6-17 to 6/19/11.  It was a little chilly and windy....but it was a wonderful festival.   There was a Wooden Boat Show plus demonstrations from the North House Folk School.  Dale watched a guy carve a Noggin out of a birch log in 30 minutes.  He was quite empressed. Everything has been going well at Grand Portage. No wildlife sightings to date.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mt Rose - Sun, 6/12/11

We decided to take the walk up Mt Rose.  1/2 mile at a 300ft incline.  I thought I was going to die but actually felt the joy of reaching the top.  It was well worth the photos.  What a beautiful view....and what a feeling of accomplishment.  This morning when I woke up I hurt all over. Ankles, wrists, ribs....vertually, I hurt all over.  However a couple of Excedrin and I was good to go.  Dale didn't seem to suffer to much...but you can see that grin on his face when we reached the top.