Monday, June 25, 2012

Mt Rushmore....Spending my Birthday with the Presidents 6.21.2012

We took a tour for the Mt Rushmore area on my birthday.  We had a great time.  We met the bus at the Ft Hays Chuckwagon Supper and Cowboy Show facility.  They provided breakfast...pancakes and sausage or biscuits and gravy.  I had the pancakes, Dale had the biscuits and gravy.  Then we boarded our bus and headed to the hills at 9am. Our first stop was Mt Rushmore....truly awesome.  You see pictures of it all your life but when you see it up in you face and it's SO REAL ,well, it gave me chills. When we left there we went up the Iron Mountains and went through Custer State Park.  It was beautiful.  We did not see any wildlife, however.  No buffalo, big horn sheep or any of the other critters that live in the park.  We stopped for lunch at the State Game Lodge - summer home to Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Dwight Eisenhower.  I had Buffalo was very good.  Dale had Smoked Chicken Fry Bread.  After lunch we continued our tour through Custer State Park and saw he Cathedral Spires.  We went through the Needle was a TIGHT squeeze. The opening of the tunnel is 102" and the bus was 96" so that was 3 inches on each side.  We drove through the towns of Keystone, Custer and Hill City. We spent about an hour at the Crazy Horse museum.  That was very interesting.  It's a privately owned enterprise. They started on the project in 1948.  The museum is quite extensive. They finally got the face finished on the mountain in 1998. At this rate I'm thinking will take 100 years to get it finished:)  When we returned they provided a Chuck Wagon Supper of slice beef in BBQ sauce or grilled chicken.  There were baked potatoes, baked beans, biscuits, applesauce and spiced cake.  All quite yummy.  After supper there was a Cowboy Music Show......"The Wrangers" were great.  Funny, a variety of music...not just cowboy kind. We finally got home at 10pm.  A very full day, especially for us.  But we had a blast.

We've Arrived at our Summer 2012 home, Spearfish, SD

We left Missouri on Tuesday, June 12th.   We stopped at a lovely park in Vermillion, SD our first night. They provided FREE camping (for up to 3 nights) What a beautiful place. Our 2nd night we stopped at the Badlands.  We made it to Spearfish, SD Thursday afternoon...June 14th.  What a gorgeous place.  Spearfish Creek runs right behind our camping spot.  Everyone is very friendly and have been very helpful.  We started our training on Saturday the 16th and worked four days.  I'll be working in the Pond Gift Shop and giving tours of the Booth Historial home.  Dale gives tours of the Fish Rail Car and works in the museum.  We're looking forward to our time here.


After our travels from Texas to Missouri we are now hanging out in Brookfield, MO....home of our daughter.  She's getting ready to relocate to Calgary in Alberta Canada so we are here to help her get things liquidated so she can get moved sometime in July.  We are here until mid June then we'll be off to Spearfish, So Dakota.  We've have visited some great places while we've been here.  A Covered Bridge and the General Pershing House (boyhood home) in LaGrange.  We're camped out at the RV sites at the Brookfield City Park.  Colton, Hayden & Riley were with us for about 5 days.  Noah and Jacob have been over to go swimming at the pool.  We're in the yard sale mode for now.  We've just completed one for stuff at our daughter's office.  This next week we'll be working on her household stuff and have another one next Saturday.  So we're keeping busy. After several busy weeks we left Brookfield and headed for So Dakota on June 12th.