Monday, June 25, 2012


After our travels from Texas to Missouri we are now hanging out in Brookfield, MO....home of our daughter.  She's getting ready to relocate to Calgary in Alberta Canada so we are here to help her get things liquidated so she can get moved sometime in July.  We are here until mid June then we'll be off to Spearfish, So Dakota.  We've have visited some great places while we've been here.  A Covered Bridge and the General Pershing House (boyhood home) in LaGrange.  We're camped out at the RV sites at the Brookfield City Park.  Colton, Hayden & Riley were with us for about 5 days.  Noah and Jacob have been over to go swimming at the pool.  We're in the yard sale mode for now.  We've just completed one for stuff at our daughter's office.  This next week we'll be working on her household stuff and have another one next Saturday.  So we're keeping busy. After several busy weeks we left Brookfield and headed for So Dakota on June 12th.

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