Thursday, May 10, 2012

Coastal Carnival - Galveston, TX 3-24-2012

The Coastal Carnival was held at Oppe Elementary School in Galveston, TX.  There were several bouncy houses, a petting zoo, a dunking tank and a booth from U.S. Fish and Wildlife.  There were karate exhibits and a science fair and a coastal bird demo also.   Dale and I and Donna Anderson from US Fish and Wildlife manned the Fish and Wildlife booth.  Oh the kids loved it....and the parents too.  We brought over from the Refuge...5 Alligators, 2 snakes, 2 crawdads and 2 turtles.  Three of the alligators were hatchlings....about 9" long...well except for the one that had it's tail bit off.  Then there were 2 larger gators ( about 2 ft long) that had their mouths rubberbanded shut so they wouldn't bite anyone.  The kids REALLY loved them.  Dale and I got over any apprehension we might have had about holding the alligators. Dale even held the bigger Ribbon Snake...I never could do that.  Talk about getting out of your comfort zone.    I did hold the crawdads...but that was a have to situation.  Let me start from the beginning.  We left our RV spot, with the critters, in the refuge Surburban at 8:45a....we couldn't even get out of the gate.  There was a herd of about 500 head of cattle being herded down our the same direction we were headed.   So once they got past and we were able to open our gate to get out, we had the pleasure of slowly driving down the road behind them.  After about 15 minutes the cowboys did herd the cattle over into an unfenced field so we could get by...along with the other 5 cars behind us.  As we turned onto the main road to the Ferry the container with the crawdads goes flying.  Dale pulled over and I hopped out to check everyone.  When I opened the back of the Surburban the dishpan with the crawdads in it comes tumbling out...water dumping everywhere and crawdads hitting the pavement.  I'm crawing all over the road trying to capture my crawdads before they get squashed by passing cars.  Just about that time Dale gets out too and gathers up a critter cage so I put the crawdads in that.  Thank  goodness we had some extra containers.  Once everyone was stowed away we went.   We made good time and got to the ferry by 10am.  After a little wait we were underway.  We actually made it to the school in Galveston around problem.  The event started at noon, so that gave us time to unload our critters, meet Donna and get settled.  Kids started showing up right off the bat.  They wanted to touch everything.  We had alligator skulls, turtle shells and snake skins, too.    We never did take out the baby snake or crawdads but the turtles, bigger snake and all the alligators were exhausted by the time 4:00pm came.  I know we were.   We traded them off as often as we could so we could give the little guys a break.  We had pond water in their boxes so they could get refreshed.  No pond water for us.  It was a lovely day.....about 93 degrees.  We had a popup tent for our shelter and we were happy for that.  We started packing everything  up at 4:00pm and were driving out of the school parking lot around 4:15p.  We drove by the beach which was swarming with people.  Hard to believe it's bikini weather in March.  Once we got onto Ferry Rd we came to a screeching halt about 2 miles from the ferry boarding dock.  We'd heard about lines getting on to the ferry but this was our first experience of this.  All in all we got on the ferry at 7:15pm...3 hours from leaving the school.  And no we didn't make any stops along the way.   We finally made it to a restaurant about 8:00p.... Stingerees in Crystal Bay.  We've heard alot about it so decided since we were HUNGRY and it was there we stopped.   It was wonderful and well worth the little wait we had.  We both had Fresh Gulf Shrimp (fried) it was great.   We'll have to go back another time to try some of the other things on the menu.  We finally made back home at 10:10pm  I'm quite sure we were about to turn into pumpkins.  We are NEVER out that late.

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