Friday, March 16, 2012

Houston Space Center.....NASA

"Houston We've Got a Problem"  ......not.  We had a great time at the Houston Space Center today.  First off we were able to go online and get our tickets half off.  We pulled into the parking lot....which costs $6, at 11:30.  We got an audio player, so we could listen to astronauts tell about the exhibts.   I really recommend that, if you plan on a visit there.    We spent 5 hours there....non stop.  We enjoyed our 1hr tram ride which included a visit to Mission Control.  We actually were able to observe a live feed from space. The astronaut was doing some hacky sack minuevers.  He was using a microphone but in the observation area we were unable to hear what he was saying.   We drove by several buildings where they would have prepared meals for the asttronauts before lift off, a building that housed the moon rocks and other "treasures"   Then we went to the Rocket Center.  I was pretty surprised when we walked in the door and the entire building was filled with the Saturn V Rocket.  After the tram ride we watched a movie that told about the Shuttle Program, then we went to the Starship Gallery, watched a movie there, about the space program then on to the museum part...there were , items that were actually carried into books the astronauts read, personal property toothpaste,  a display showing the lunar vehicle plus models of astronauts all suited up.  Stars were twinkling all around us.  It was awesome.  There was a mock up of Sky Lab, plus spacesuits, moduals that were actually used in the space program. I touched a piece of a rock from the moon. Awesome, awesome....what a day.

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