Saturday, May 14, 2011

Duluth, MN Thursday 5/12 - Saturday 5/14

It rained most of the way from St Paul up to Duluth. I've never seen so many birch trees. Gorgeous.. At one of the rest stops I found an interesting birdhouse. It was made out of a bleach bottle.  We had planned on staying at Indian Point RV Park but after we got there decided we'd try plan B.  There was only one other trailer and I just didn't feel comfortable with the whole set up.  Our 2nd choice Ogston RV Park in Hermantown is great. There are lots of people here.  It's farther away from Hwy 61...the road we'll be taking to Grand Portage...but the accomdations are wonderful.  We're very close to the laundry facilites and there is a pool table, TV, library and games there.  Dale and I played pool and worked on a puzzle while we waited for our laundry to get done.  It's been very cold the last 2 days. I've made good use of the Long Johns I got for the trip.  Right now it's 49 degrees.  We have managed to get most of our shopping done.  I feel like a pioneer getting ready to cross the prairie.  Got to make sure to have all the staples.  We are planning on leaving here on Monday morning.  Dale has some things he wants to do to the trailer before we leave town. We wants to add a shelf to a storage closet and he wants to check out a leak in the washer and we got a riser for the toilet at Camping World and he's wanting to install that.  So if he needs more time to get these things done we may not leave till Tuesday.  Hopefully things will go smoothly and we'll be able to leave Monday as planned.  I'm attaching some pictures we took along the way here.  I read an article that said Duluth is considered the San Francisco of the mid-west.  I say whoever wrote that article hasn't been to San Francisco.

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