Monday, May 30, 2011

Thunder Bay, Canada

We made the 40 mile trip to Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.  It was sort of confusing. Gas is sold by the liter. Food is packaged by the metric system. So a box of cereal isn't 18oz but 900g.  Now what in the heck is that.   I doubt if we got to Thunder Bay very often.  The groceries were more expensive then what we can get at the trading post. Our DVD player broke so we thought we'd get one at the Wal Mart in Thunder Bay. It was $30 more then what we can get online.   So we decided to pay the $58 online plus $0.97 shipping instead of $88 there in Canada.  We did have some wonderful pizza there though.  The best we've EVER had.  Boston's Family Pizza.  I'd say we'll go back to Canada just for the pizza.  Getting out of the country wasn't too much trouble.  Coming back, though we got the 3rd degree.  We gave them our passport and our receipt for our groceries so they could see what we got.  It's a good thing we didn't get any oranges but he said we would have been OK with the bananas (which we left there)  Oh well.  Definately a learning experience.

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