Saturday, March 3, 2012

Anahuac Wildlife Refuge

We've been at the refuge since Jan 25th.  Dale has had a variety of jobs.  So far he has helped build about 2000 ft of fencing.  It's snow fence that they use along the shore to help with the eroding shoreline.  He's definately getting his exercise.  He has also helped build hog pens to trap the wild hogs that are trying to take over the refuge.  They've got 40 so far.  They shoot them and leave them for the coyotes and vultures. Unfortunately because they are not USDA inspected they can not be given to people. Yesterday he was up at 4am to help catch Teal ducks so they could inspect them and band them. luck.  I think the ducks were smarter then the humans. Today Dale dumped trash and will mow if it doesn't rain.  There has been alot of rain since we've arrived.  If you'll remember we arrived on the tail of a big storm.  Nothing as bad, so far.....but rain almost everyday.  I have to admit that it's been in the 70's and 80's.  Maybe that's why the mosquitos are soooooo bad.  I still can't figure out how they get inside our trailer.

  I'm fortunate enough to work inside.  Either at the main Visitor Center & Nature Store or Administrative offices or at the refuge visitor center & book store.  I have been helping the event planner with an upcoming March Madness event they will be having for families. I've volunteered to do the face painting.  There will be a bird of prey show, plus a butterfly tent and crab catching. , Kayac demonstration, fly casting....  All sorts of fun activities.

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